Consumption Security Suite 

Ensure every third-party API call is protected using's Security Suite.
Gain complete visibility and governance over all consumed APIs to identify and address potential threats in real-time.

Why Securing Third Party API Consumption is Important

The OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks (2023) includes Unsafe API Consumption, which states that "Developers tend to trust data received from third-party APIs more than user input, leading them to adopt weaker security standards." is Trusted by CISOs
and Security Experts at:

Monitor: A Complete Inventory

Obtain a comprehensive API catalog for all consumed APIs and their endpoints, along with full logging and auditing capabilities for tracking.

Remediate in Real-Time

Enforce active controls on your outbound traffic with real-time security policies. Implement measures such as sensitive data obfuscation and enforcing HTTPS on non-encrypted outgoing traffic, while blocking or allowing unauthorized calls.

Outbound Compliance

Stay compliant effortlessly with Lunar's API Consumption Gateway, which monitors and blocks unauthorized data transfers, prevents accidental leaks, and mitigates API sprawl to safeguard sensitive information.

How it works

Deploy on Prem

Self-hosted within your VPC for maximum security and control over sensitive data.

Optimal Speed

Experience minimal latency with our consumption gateway adding only 4ms to API calls, ensuring smooth performance.

Handle the Unexpected

The consumption gateway can withstand up to 90,000 concurrent calls, so your integrations can handle traffic spikes with ease.

Using a tool like this is like outsourcing your API management. It means getting a central location where all the integrations happen. You’re getting a team of experts, and you’re always in the know as to what’s going on in this domain thanks to the management and observability capabilities you’re receiving.
Avner Cohen, CISO & Head of DevOps | HiredScore
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